Driving & Alcohol

With Regard To Alcohol

One of the most widely available and widely used drugs within our society today, is still the one that has been around since the Stone Age, namely alcohol.

The basic formula hasn’t changed a great deal, barley, water and yeast for beer, and fruit, usually grapes, water and yeast for wine. The basic end result is ethyl alcohol, although what we see in our bottles and barrels is a very well dressed version of it.

This drug is a depressant, not in the sense of feeling low, (although this can occur) but in that it depresses parts of the central nervous system.

This can become apparent when it affects some of the brain’s functions, for instance, if the speech centres are inhibited, then speech becomes slurred, interference with the coordination centres may result in loss of balance, especially when vision is distorted, leading to difficulty within the time/space continuum.

This is why one of the most prevalent stimulants in society is virtually banned from anyone having to drive a motor vehicle. It is recommended that someone who is going to drive, has no alcohol at all, but a moderate amount is tolerated…. it’s relatively easy to exceed the limit and the penalties for doing so are quite draconian… get expert drink drive legal advice from Patterson Law who are so successful defending motoring offences that they publish their success rates online.

Alcohol consumption is measured in units, with one unit representing around half a pint of beer, a small glass of wine, or a single, pub measure of spirit. Measuring the effect that alcohol has on a person is not an exacting science, as different factors can speed up or slow down the rates at which it enters the blood stream, such as having had a large meal beforehand, or being used to larger quantities.

A definitive level has been set of blood alcohol concentration, where mgs of alcohol are shown per 100ml of blood. The legal limit for driving is 80mg/100ml. For the majority of people this would be the equivalent of 1.5 to 2 pints of beer, or 3 to 4 units.

A driver discovered with more than this amount faces disqualification, a considerable fine, and even a prison sentence, to be decided by a court.

There are few, if any mitigating circumstances involving drink-driving, but specialised representation in court is highly recommended. Dedicated motoring solicitors can examine the whole case and police procedure and be the only chance of a satisfactory conclusion.

Self-representation in a matter as serious as drink driving could well influence a bad situation becoming worse.

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