Principles Of Google Friendly SEO

Google Friendly SEO Strategy

Top Google rankings rely on a range of search engine friendly SEO processes to promote your site content while staying within the upper and lower ‘naturalisation’ limits.

If you exceed any of these limits then you drop in SERPs. The main exclusion filters are;

  • Load Speed
  • Over Optimization On-Page
  • Over Optimization Off-Page
  • Low Quality Link Sources
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Content Quality

If your site fails to load quickly, or contains low quality content, duplicate, poorly written etc then you won’t rank well. Google wants to recommend high quality sites for its users, if you provide great content that your visitors like then Google will like it too.

To present great content, you need a great website, well built, optimized and ready to out perform your competitors online….. get the best you can for less than you think from the CRWD web design experts who rock!

If your site passes these core algorithmic filters then you are eligible to rank, but that doesn’t mean that you will start to attract any traffic.

To climb online and start to be found in search you need to exhibit high levels or authority and trust, which are measured based on the backlinks that point to your site, the best quality backlinks are from OWL One Way Links.

Each site and page of that site is given a trust score based on the quality and trustworthiness of the backlinks that point to it.

In turn that page will pass 60% of that trust score to your page. Your trust score needs to be good. If you don’t know what yours is, or how to improve it, talk to Hitchin SEO specialists and find out how much organic traffic you could be receiving.

The trust score is also related to the link category of the page that links to you. Each page is assigned a link category based on the strongest do-follow links that point at it & to rank well your site needs a dominance of links that pass a relevant category.

This means that a construction business needs to have dominant categories such as ‘Business’, ‘Business/ Construction’, & ‘Regions/ Europe’….. so if your dominant links come from ‘Arts/ Design’ or ‘Society/ Issues’ then you won’t rank as well.

Relevance also applies to the content that links to you, so your backlinks need to be contextual links (not over optimized anchor text) with relevant link category too.

If you are stuck trying to find good quality links to promote your site go and buy Deeho high quality, relevant backlinks and take your online marketing to the next level.

There are over 200 SEO factors that affect how your website will behave in Google search, learn about them all with professional SEO Training Courses.

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